Monday, September 20, 2010

"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."

I was just discussing with my roommate tonight how everyone near my age who I first meet seems older than me. Usually, they aren’t older than me and sometimes are even younger than me. I think it’s because I’ve been in school for so long that when I meet someone who actually has a professional career I automatically brand them as “old”. Many of these doctors, teachers, nurses and engineers are really close to my age; some are even younger than me. Does this make me OLD?! At the same time, I meet some people in college and I think, “Gee, they’re so YOUNG and immature!” I’m trying to dissect WHY I have this attitude. It probably stems from the fact that I just have a lot of respect for certain offices like that of pastor, teacher, and physician. I’ve always associated these vocations to be those of my elders not my peers. My mind is just having a hard time adjusting to the change. Have any of you experienced this?